Research Team: Macromolecular Chemistry and Polymeric Materials Group

Research Activities

The general research topic of the group concerns the synthesis and characterization of innovative polymeric materials. In particular, in recent years the following research topics have been developed: • Frontal polymerization (FP). FP is based on the formation of a hot polymerization front capable of self sustaining and self-propagating, gradually converting the monomer mixture into polymer. The advantages of FP include energy saving, short reaction times, simplicity of the protocol, high conversions. • Synthesis and characterization of high-performance polymeric nanocomposites. The introduction of nanofillers into the polymer matrix allows to obtain polymeric materials with mechanical, physical and chemical properties significantly superior to unfilled polymers. For example, nanocomposites containing graphene, cyclodextrins, nanocelluse, POSS have been studied. • Development of transparent wood. Transparent wood represents an innovative composite material, which is obtained by partial or total delignification and infiltration with polymers that have a refractive index similar to that of wood. The final material has mechanical properties significantly superior to those of wood, has a transparency similar to that of glass and is more biodegradable than glass or plastics; it represents a promising candidate for the replacement of glass in construction, but could also be used in electronics and optoelectronics. • Synthesis and characterization of hydrogels. Hydrogels are cross-linked hydrophilic polymers that have the ability to swell when immersed in water. Some of them can be stimulus-responsive (volume variation following the variation of parameters such as pH or temperature) or self-repairing (ability to repair mechanical damage by forming new chemical bonds activated by an external stimulus

Members (Permanent Staff)

Alberto Mariani (, Professore Ordinario, SSD CHEM-04/A, ORCID: 0000-0001-8973-4542, SCOPUS: 7102770695.

Daniele Nuvoli (, Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo b, SSD CHEM-04/A, ORCID: 0000-0001-5409 7600, SCOPUS: 24504317300


Mariella Rassu, assegnista di ricerca, SSD CHEM-04/A Gaia Venusti, assegnista di ricerca, SSD CHEM-04/A

Lorenzo Manca, assegnista di ricerca, SSD CHEM-04/A

Alessia Cabras, assegnista di ricerca, SSD CHEM-04/A

Virginia Bianciotti, assegnista di ricerca, SSD CHEM-04/A

Relevant Publications

1) Mariani, A., & Malucelli, G. (2022). Transparent wood-based materials: Current state-of-the-art and future perspectives. Materials, 15(24), 9069.

 2) Alzari, V., Kamseu, E., Leonelli, C., Spinella, A., Malucelli, G., Bianco, G., ... & Mariani, A. (2021). Organic inorganic materials through first simultaneous frontal polymerization and frontal geopolymerization. Materials Letters, 295, 129808.

3) Nuvoli, D., Alzari, V., Pojman, J. A., Sanna, V., Ruiu, A., Sanna, D., ... & Mariani, A. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of functionally gradient materials obtained by frontal polymerization. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 7(6), 3600-3606.

4) Nuvoli, D., Alzari, V., Nuvoli, L., Rassu, M., Sanna, D., & Mariani, A. (2016). Synthesis and characterization of poly (2-hydroxyethylacrylate)/β-cyclodextrin hydrogels obtained by frontal polymerization. Carbohydrate polymers, 150, 166-171.

5) Nuvoli, D., Valentini, L., Alzari, V., Scognamillo, S., Bon, S. B., Piccinini, M., ... & Mariani, A. (2011). High concentration few-layer graphene sheets obtained by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite in ionic liquid. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(10), 3428-3431.

Research Projects

Progetto PRIN PNRR 2022 linea sud. Titolo del progetto: “Smart wood: the ecosystem at work to preserve itself”. Principal Investgator: Daniele Nuvoli, Memebro dellunità: Alberto Mariani. Budget: 240000 €, in corso di svolgimento (scadenza novembre 2025).

Progetto HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01. Titolo del progetto: “AI-driven multiscale methodology to develop Transparent Wood as sustainable functional material”, Unit Leading member: Alberto Mariani, Unit member: Daniele Nuvoli. Budget: 7 milioni €. Progetto in corso di svolgimento (scadenza dicembre 2026).

Thesis/internship topics

Development of new polymer systems by frontal polymerization or induction heating

Development of transparent wood composites

Synthesis and characterization of polymer hydrogels

Synthesis and characterization of polymer nanocomposites