Research Team: Experimental marine ecology – Community Ecology for Coastal management actions

Research Activities

The Experimental marine ecology Group – Community Ecology for Coastal management actions - is broadly interested in the biological and physical processes that generate patterns in natural communities in order to inform conservation and management of both natural and human-impacted systems.

The approach consists primarily of manipulative field experiments, supplemented with long term surveys and spatial analysis techniques.

Di seguito sono elencate le principali linee di ricerca attive: Restoration of seagrass meadows and coralligenous reefs Species adaptability to sea temperature rise, thermocline deepening and ocean acidification Sustainability to harvesting of biological resources Protection effectiveness Soudscape ecology

Members (Permanent Staff)

GIULIA CECCHERELLI (, Professore ordinario, BIO/07, orcid 0000-0002-9832-9677

GABRIELLA LA MANNA ( Ricercatore RTDa, BIO/07, orcid 0000-0002-0057-9142


ARIANNA PANSINI assegnista di ricerca (fondi di ricerca Prin OCABEF), BIO/07

FABIO MENNA assegnista di ricerca (fondi di ricerca Prin POSEIDON), ICAR/06

ALESSANDRA PUCCINI studente di dottorato POR ALESSIA CROBU borsista BIO/07


Relevant Publications

1. G LA MANNA, ARROSTUTO N, MORO MORELLA M, STIPCICH P, FOIS N, SARÀ G, CECCHERELLI G (2024) Towards a sustainable fisher-dolphin coexistence: understanding depredation, assessing economic damage and evaluating management options. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 351, 119797.

2. A PANSINI, DEROMA M, GUALA I, MONNIER B, PERGENT-MARTINI C, PIAZZI L, STIPCICH P, G CECCHERELLI (2024) The resilience of transplanted seagrass traits encourages detection of restoration success. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 357, 120744.

3. STIPCICH P, RESAIKOS V, CECCHERELLI G (2023) Experimental thermocline deepening highlights the resilience of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: an opportunity to investigate shoot adaptability. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN. 189:114824.

4.PANSINI A, BOSCH-BELMAR M, BERLINO M, SARA’ G, CECCHERELLI G (2022) Collating evidence on the restoration efforts of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: current knowledge and gaps. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 851:158320.

5. STIPCICH P, E T APOSTOLAKI, N CHARTOSIA, PT EFTHYMIADIS, CEJIMENEZ, G LA MANNA, A PANSINI, E PRINCIPATO, V RESAIKOS, G CECCHERELLI (2022) Assessment of Posidonia oceanica traits along a temperature gradient in the Mediterranean Sea

Research Projects

MURFOR, Giulia Ceccherelli, BIODIVERSA+ EU 2023 (UNISS 114294 euro)

 OCABEF, Giulia Ceccherelli, PRIN2022 MUR (UNISS 110276 euro)

POSEIDON, Giulia Ceccherelli, PRINPNRR2022 MUR (UNISS 64745 euro)

NBFC, Giulia Ceccherelli, Missione 4 PNRR MUR (UNISS 438489 euro)